The Tricks of Controlled Betting
February 10th, 2010 by Gina

After a while, a master hurler develops what’s recognized as a signature throw. The simplest way to find this is to observe what the hurler is betting on. He’ll almost certainly lay a pass line bet and then also purchase a few numbers, like possibly the 4 and 10. He has to place a pass line bet to shoot, but the four and 10 purchase wager is somewhat abnormal, so he may have a signature. It would be best if you accepted their lead and wager the same way he/she does.

Certainly though, they will throw a 7 sooner or later and you cannot leave all of your money on the table forever, so you need to have an excellent regression system. The easiest one to utilize is to start out at your largest bet, and buy the same 2 numbers the hurler does. Then, just regress the numbers by 1 unit following every success until you are at the table minimum.

Now let us say the four is rolled and you acquire $116. Keep the $58 on the 10 and pull down the four to Thirty Eight dollars, and ask if you can purchase it for thirty eight dollars and just pay $1 vigorish (5 percent of thirty eight dollars is $1.90). If the 4 hits once again, you earn $76. Keep it at thirty eight dollars – you can’t pay less than a one dollar vig on a buy wager and if they keep on letting you purchase the 4 (and 10) for thirty eight dollars and just pay one dollar, then keep on doing it.

Soon, if the 10 begins appearing you will have both the four and ten backed down to thirty eight dollars. Leave both wagers on the table except if the hurler takes his wagers down, or something weird takes place to wreck the player’s concentration. By regressing your purchase bets you’ll always have a wager on the table during a hot roll, and after the first success, it is clear profit

If you’re a master hurler yourself, bring your significant other or friend along, and the casino will allow him to take care of your bets while you are concentrating on throwing.

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